Mother of three and passionate believer in the wisdom of women’s bodies. My journey to Hypnobirthing began when I was pregnant with my first and knew that I was interested in a natural birth.

Like many first-time moms, I spent a ton of time researching online trying to prepare, and some of that reading led me to Hypnobirthing. At the recommendation of my midwife, my husband and I took the Hypnobirthing course, and I was proudly able to email my instructor after the birth of our first baby that, “The most helpful things from class were the breathing and the phrases for my husband to use to support me. I'm really glad he took the class with me because I think he learned a lot about how to support me and keep me relaxed during labor.” Though a completely different experience, the birth of our second baby was also an instinctive Hypnobirth. Afterward, my midwife sent me a thank you note for having her be part of our birth and wrote, “It was one of those births that reminds that women are made to have babies. You didn't need any help; you just listened to your body and did what it told you. Congratulations!” And the birth of our third embodied the Hypnobirthing affirmation “I am prepared to meet whatever turn my birthing takes.” We were en route to the hospital when I knew baby was ready to be born; I asked my husband to pull the car over, and I gave birth to our son unasissted on the side of the road. Certainly not what I envisioned doing, but, thanks to Hypnobirthing, I remained deeply relaxed and confident in my body’s abilities.

These empowering experiences inspired me to become a Certified Hypnobirthing Educator and pass on the powerful information I had learned through the course to other parents in Metro-Detroit.

Prior to teaching Hypnobirthing, I earned my Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan and worked at local non-profits. It makes my heart sing to have found work that combines my passion for social justice with my passion for women’s health and empowerment. I am truly honored to be part of your journey to parenthood and can't wait to meet you!


Photo credit: Sara Demick Photography