
Avoiding the Cascade of Medical Interventions - Cynthia Mosher -

Glucose Tolerance Testing in Pregnancy

Glucose Tolerance Testing in Pregnancy - article #2

Let the Baby Decide: The Case Against Inducing Labor - Nancy Griffin -

Prenatal Testing and Informed Consent: Base Your Choices on the Evidence - Sarah J. Buckley -

The Hidden Risk of Epidurals - Sarah J. Buckley -

20 Reasons You Should Hire a Doula -


Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth - Ina May Gaskin

Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth - Genevieve Howland

Babies are not Pizzas: They’re Born, Not Delivered by Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN



Bumps and Boobs

Evidence Based Birth (research information related to pregnancy and birth)

The Birth Hour (birth stories)

The Birth Zone (5 minute meditations on a variety of positive affirmations)

The VBAC Link (VBAC resources)


The Business of Being Born - YouTube video

Delayed Cord Clamping - Penny Simkin (YouTube video)

Conception To Birth Visualized - Alexander Tsiaras

From Womb to World -- The Journey That Shapes Our Life - Anna Verwaal


HypnoBirthing International - The official HypnoBirthing® Institute website.

Birth Without Fear - Birth Without Fear began as a simple passion to let women know they have choices in childbirth. It then evolved to become an inspiration and support to women and their families through their trying to conceive, pregnancy, birth and postpartum journeys.

Evidence Basekd Birth - For decades, the vast majority of birth research evidence has been locked away in medical journals.  EBB believes in putting the non-biased evidence on pregnancy and childbirth back in the hands of the people who need it the most: women and families.

Mama Natural - Week by week pregnancy updates from a natural perspective. Discover natural remedies for various pregnancy symptoms.

VBAC Facts - Pregnant after a Cesarean?  Know the facts.